Your Resident’s Association…and so much more!
[2024] We are pleased to announce that the QCB has 100% representation from the 20 building stratas in the Quay! This mean that the estimated 6875+ residents [2749 units] in the Quay are represented on the board. We are so proud of such support, unity or numbers.Also, if you live in the Quay, and because your strata at QCB members – that means you are a member too! We encourage you to get involved with the QCB and enjoy life at the Quay …even more.
Congratulations to all for making this possible. ~ QCB
The Quay is unique. In fact, in a January 30th Twitter thread, NW City Councillor Patrick Johnstone identifies the QCB as “ultimately, the QCB is a unique model for a unique community. It belongs to the residents of the Quay.”
We have no houses – only condo complexes. The founders of the QCB realized that the status-quo definition and structure of a ‘Resident’s Association’ would not apply in this unique environment of condos only. Therefore, the founders of the Quayside Community Board created a new form of residents’ association that is effective, encompassing, relevant and enduring for the community.
To ensure that each and every resident of the Quay was represented, the QCB structured this inclusive ‘Condo Residents’ Association’ with the cooperation of the elected strata councils from each building.
Each residential complex pays a Membership Fee to the QCB based on $1.00 per suite/unit in their strata corporation or housing cooperative. The fee is payable each January. Participating strata councils receive one seat on the QCB Board as a Delegate with the option for an Alternate.
This current Membership structure has proven successful for the past 10 years. Together, we have been leaders on such issues as Rail Noise & Vibration and Coal and produce quality events such as the Boardwalk Festival & Sale and Light Up The Quay.
The QCB has been built from the ground up – the residents – and has been built to last. This structure involving residents’, stratas and housing cooperatives guarantees that every stakeholder in the Quay community… has a voice.
MEMBERS: Please click on the ‘+’ to review both DELEGATE and ALTERNATE from each of the 20 elected strata representatives on the QCB Board of Directors.
The Quayside Community Board is devoted to: Representing Residents,Community Issues, Assisting Strata Corporations, Housing Cooperatives and Community Planning for the Quayside area.