Your Residents’ Association

…and so much more!

When visiting the Quay,
please wear a mask, socially distance and stay in your bubble | thank you QCB

There are currently no ‘public’ meetings schedule.
Scroll down to access info on ‘SPECIAL MEETING’ on Zoom with the Mayor of New West.
If you have questions or comments, please send them to

Welcome to Your Quayside Community Board.

Aerial View of Quay Esplanade

The QUAYSIDE COMMUNITY BOARD (QCB) is comprised of one delegate and one alternate from all eighteen residential buildings in the geographical location known as 'The Quayside' in New Westminster, BC, Canada. The Quayside [Key-side] Community Board is a dedicated group of members representing just over 2515 units and an estimated 6500 plus individual residents in this close-knit community. QUAYSIDE is a jewel on the Fraser River and the board is dedicated to keeping it as such. Meeting on the last Wednesday of each month, this board works on issues and matters related to the well-being of their community. In addition, the board works with local and surrounding businesses to ensure that the members of the overall community continue to live in an area that is clean, safe, managed and above all enjoyable.

The Quayside Community Board is devoted to: Representing Residents, Community Issues, Assisting Strata Corporations, Housing Cooperatives and Community Planning for the Quayside area.

Please note: Everyone who resides in the Quayside community are members of the QCB through your strata and are welcome to attend this AGM

The Quayside Community Board


THE QCB is pleased to announce this special meeting with the Mayor of New West Jonathon Coté and councilor Jaimie McEvoy on issues relating to the Quayside.



ORIGIN: It all began over a two decades ago [approx. 1998] with a Quay resident BRIAN ALLEN and his father, who began communicating with the four Rail companies to accomplish: ‘Whistle Cessation’, as well as the elimination of ‘Noise and Vibration’. Without proper crossing technology they were forced to drop ‘Whistle Cessation’ and focus strictly on ‘Noise & Vibration’. A decade plus later, these two people , with the QBC at their side, fought the rail companies resulting in an historic legal agreement [2008] to create a council/committee which included the City, the rail companies and affected communities. This council/committee then morphed into a group focused on ‘Whistle Cessation’ with the implementation of the rail arms on Quayside Drve.

Today you see the results of over two decades of dedicated work on behalf of members of the Quayside community, the City of New West, the Canadian Transportation Agency and the rail companies. For many in the Quay – this day is a long time in coming and comes at a time when people need it most due to being mostly shut-in with the COIVD crisis.

Letter of confirmation of ‘whistle cessation’ issued by the City of New West December 16, 2020

Good morning Quayside Community Board ,

The City of New Westminster is pleased to announce that train whistle cessation will be implemented at two Provincially Regulated railway crossings, one at Quayside Drive and Laguna Court, and the other at the Brookes Street Pedestrian Crossing in Port Royal. Please note that these will be the first two provincially regulated crossings to attain train whistle cessation under the Technical Safety BC Branch.

The City has been working very closely with Technical Safety British Columbia and with Southern Railway of BC (SRY) to ensure a smooth transition toward cessation at these crossings and the whistle cessation order will be enacted on Friday, December 18, 2020. For more information please see the attached notice that will be posted on the City’s webpage and in the Royal City Record on Thursday December 17th.

As Public Safety continues to be the City’s and Southern Railway’s top priority, we encourage you to visit the Operation Life Saver webpage at to learn more on Rail Safety and please remember that ANYTIME is TRAIN TIME.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned directly.

Thank you,

Stacey Neves | Engineering Technologist
T 604.515.3814 | E

City of New Westminster | Engineering Services
511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9

Click Me! For PDF of this release
…scroll down to continue this feature and access more QUAY AGM 2020 News

Supporting Local Charities


B.C. strata insurers to end ‘best terms pricing’
scheme by Jan. 1

Article featured in the Vancouver Sun [Dec 2, 2020 | Jennifer Saltman]

The practice was identified in a report this summer as one of several factors inflating strata property insurance premiums in B.C.

Stratas and property owners stand to see major savings on insurance premiums when the practice of “best terms pricing” is eliminated at the end of this year.

However, those in the industry say the change is just one more step toward rehabilitating the strata insurance market in B.C., which was described as “unhealthy” in a recent B.C. Financial Services Authority interim report.

“This is great news — if it works — and really time will unfold to see what the effects are,” said Tony Gioventu, executive director of the Condominium Home Owners Association of B.C. “I think it’s an additional tool that will help to make the insurance industry more competitive and will help to ease the pressure on costs for consumers.”

The Financial Services Authority, which is responsible for regulating the private insurance sector in the province, has identified best terms pricing as one of many factors inflating premiums.

According to data the authority collected from properties that buy strata insurance, 94 per cent were negatively impacted by best terms pricing, and overall premiums were 27 per cent higher than they would be if a different pricing method was used.

The increases trickle down to owners in the form of higher strata fees. About half of Metro Vancouverites live in strata properties, and all B.C. stratas must have insurance.

To insure strata properties, brokers gather quotes from multiple insurers who share the risk of insuring properties that can be worth millions of dollars and expensive to repair. This is referred to as a subscription policy.

Each insurer submits a bid, but under best terms pricing instead of the cost of the premium being based on an average of the bids, it is based on the highest bid, even if most quotes were lower.

The authority has received assurances that the practice will be phased out by Jan. 1. This will give insurers time to adjust their computer systems so they can accommodate different prices for each insurer. Stratas will still be on the hook for paying their current insurance premiums, but will likely notice a difference when they renew their policies.

Chuck Byrne, executive director of the Insurance Brokers Association of B.C., said the devil will be in the details, which are few at this point.

“The insurance companies that are active in the strata market are the ones that are setting the pricing terms and other related policy terms, and if they’re willing to go to this split-rate approach then obviously that’s battle one, that’s the whole story, and it’s a matter of seeing how that will work in practice,” Byrne said.

However, there is concern among brokers that the change could deter some insurance companies because it is an added complexity.

“Again, it’s fear of the unknown. It’s not knowing how this will all work and how it will be accomplished. Hopefully, those details can be worked out really quickly and easily,” Byrne said.

B.C. Financial Services Authority vice-president of regulation Frank Chong said he sees this as a positive step by the insurance industry and believes it will be positive for British Columbians.

However, he added, “I would caution generally that while removing best terms pricing will alleviate some of the pricing pressures, it’s not the core reason for the increase.”

Among the other factors named in the authority’s report is claims costs, with insurers losing money because of minor claims due to poor building maintenance and bad construction.

“Our industry recognizes the challenges consumers have faced in the strata space over the past year. As it relates to best terms pricing, many insurers never entertained that practice and those that did, in light of the consumer concerns, have certainly moved away from it in conjunction with the regulator,” said Aaron Sutherland, a vice-president with the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

“We believe at its heart these concerns are a symptom of the challenges and we really need to attack the disease, which is claims costs as it relates to strata corporations in this province.”

Byrne said he would like to see a standard unit definition included in B.C.’s strata regulation, which would clarify situations when the building’s or the unit owner’s insurance applies, and a cap on loss or deductible assessments. He believes those changes would go a long way to stabilizing the strata insurance industry.

The B.C. Financial Services Authority is expected to release a final report on the province’s strata insurance market, which will include next steps, by the end of this year.

The government has already made two changes to the Financial Institutions Act around renewal notice for strata corporations, insurance agent commission and referral fees for strata property managers.


CURRENT PETITIONS: Please Sign To Support Your Community

CONDO INSURANCE: Quay Residents Takes Lead In Fight Against Outrageous Insurance Increases Details of the plight facing condo owners can be found in the following articles: READ MORE…The Vancouver Sun | BC strata’s on edge after reports of soaring insurance premiums [Feb 24, 2020] and READ MORE… New West Record | New West condo owners launch petition in response to insurance crisis [Feb 19, 2020].

CLICK HERE TO SIGN PETITION: Stop the unfair & unprecedented increase to BC strata insurance premiums

[webnote: Quay resident Ian Callaway MA, Med, RHU, BCFE strategic management approach to the Strata Property Act…offers some clarification and insight in his article published in The Schrivener: What’s in a Name? Summer 2018READ MORE HERE | Also IS THE SKY FALLING IN THE CURRENT STRATA INSURANCE MARKETPLACE? Read more here] | SUN Follow Up Access Here

PETITION: Build Us A Community Centre

HELP THE QUAY GET A NEEDED COMMUNITY CENTRE. There is one track of land left for development in the Quayside – and we believe that nearly 5000 people deserve to have their own community centre! Did you know that the Quay represents approximately 8% of the New Westminster electorate – yet we are the only community without a community centre.
Sign the petition please….


Year Founded



Where The Living Is Easy.

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