January 2022 Project Update: New engagement activities have launched for CEEP 2050. Scroll down to learn more, take our Community Survey and share your suggestions in our Ideas tool (brainstorm, and read ideas submitted by fellow community members).
Recognizing the importance of addressing climate change, New Westminster City Council adopted a Climate Emergency Declaration in 2019, committing the City to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the community to 45% by 2030, 65% by 2040, and 100% by 2050. In response to the climate emergency, the City established its Seven Bold Steps framework(External link), which is guiding the process of moving the community towards a zero-carbon future by 2050.
Project Description and Objectives
The City is developing its new Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) 2050 that will set a roadmap towards reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions throughout the community over the next 30 years.
The CEEP builds on New Westminster’s achievements through implementation of the 2011 CEEP, which had set a target to reduce community-wide emissions by 30% by 2030. Since then, climate experts have called for bolder climate action and the new CEEP 2050 will help guide the City towards achieving its new and more ambitious 2050 emission reduction targets.
The CEEP 2050 is intended to become the primary or overarching document for the community’s energy and emissions planning, and it will directly support the implementation of the Seven Bold Steps through the identification of energy and emission reduction opportunities, actions, and strategies. The plan will inform decision-making related to land use planning, waste management, sustainable transportation, and energy infrastructure and utility systems for the City over the next 30 years.
Community Engagement
Pivotal to the success of the CEEP and future sustainability of the city, is a recognition of our community’s interests and perspectives regarding this important initiative. The City is conducting a variety of public engagement activities to gather input on the CEEP development. Community feedback will help the project team identify and prioritize specific projects, actions, and strategic initiatives that the City can take to achieve its emission reduction targets.
Community Survey
The City is seeking community input on a list of low-carbon actions the City can take to help achieve its climate targets. Input collected through the survey will help shape community climate targets and influence New West’s near-term climate actions and implementation of the Seven Bold Steps.
To access the survey please click here. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will be open until February 7, 2022.